Tuesday 1 August 2017

An Example Essay Generated with the Academic Coaching Essay Generator

An Example Essay Generated with the Academic Coaching Essay Generator

Writing an essay in English Studies can be very challenging. Many students don't know what to include or how to structure the various sections of an essay. The Academic Coaching team has put together an automatic essay generator which can help you to address some of these concerns.

Download the essay generator here.

The automatic essay generator will put together an essay according the the formula for a well-structured academic work. It will fulfill all of the requirements, but there will be some repetition and some clunky paragraphs that you will need to edit in the final product. If you use the generator, be sure to make use of a good editing service to strengthen the language and style of your final product.

There are only 10 questions in the essay generator, and some of them will require a bit more work to answer than others. Below are the questions found in the essay generator and explanations on how to answer them, as well as example answers to construct our sample essay entitled "The Visual Splendor of Damien Warnick's Film The Betrayal".

Title of your essay:
The Visual Splendor of Damien Warnick’s Film The Betrayal

The title should be fewer than 15 words, and explain the main point of your essay. For example, “A Feminist Analysis of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

Title of the text, poem or novel you are looking at:
The Betrayal

Name of the author:
Damien Warnick

Summary of the novel, poem or text:
a heartbreaking tale of making sense of the difficulties of the world and finding one’s own voice

Your summary should be 15 – 30 words, and give only the main idea. Fill it in as if it starts with the following words: The text deals with… (your response). For example, “The text deals with a man named John Carpenter trying to find his way back to Mars.” You only type the words highlighted in yellow.

Type of approach you are taking:
argue that

If you are writing an argumentative essay where you need to support a contention with evidence, type “argue that”. If you are writing a comparative essay between two or more texts, type “compare”. If you are writing a discussion or analysis on a particular theme, character or idea, type “discuss” or “analyze” as appropriate.

What type of text is your essay about?

Is it a novel, book, film, play, drama, comedy, tragedy or something else? Give only a one-word answer in lowercase letters, e.g. novel.

The main point you are looking at:
Warnick’s film is masterful at using imagery to convey emotion

You should list your answer to the question in 15 words or fewer. Your answer should be very clear and concise, and not simply repeat the question. For example, if the question is “Which TV show is the best?” your answer should be “Game of Thrones is the best TV show, and no other show compares”. If the question is “Analyze the character of Lady Macbeth” your answer that you fill in could be “Lady Macbeth is power-hungry and manipulative, and wants to control Macbeth”. Give an answer here, or your main idea that you want to respond to the question with.

Three pieces of evidence to support the main idea:

Evidence 1:
the visual effects in the first act show Melody’s sadness  

Evidence 2:
the use of green screen is not overdone, and adds to the aesthetic of the scenes

Evidence 3:
none of the characters are one-dimensional, and each one has a unique visual style

Your evidence to support your main idea should be all of the biggest points from the text that have led you to your answer to the question. For example, if you have to explain why you think that Lady Macbeth is power hungry and manipulative, you could give the following evidence: 1) she conspires to kill the king, 2) she sees the prophecy in a positive way, 3) she shows more intelligence than Macbeth. You will need at least 3 pieces of evidence.

A quote to support each piece of evidence:

Quote for Evidence 1:
“You made me wait for you, Melody. It was incredibly difficult” (Warnick, 2014)

Quote for Evidence 2:
“There isn’t anything we couldn’t do with practical effects, but the green screen made the film much more fantastic” (Davies, 2015)

Quote for Evidence 3:
“Designing these characters was a passion project for me. I wanted to show how many layers they had inside by giving them interesting dimensions on the outside” (Carmichael, 2016)

Each quote should fit with the corresponding evidence from above. If you have two or three quotes to support any particular piece of evidence, put them all into the corresponding text box above and separate them with commas. Include the reference in brackets after each quote.
For example, for Evidence 1, the fact that “she conspires to kill the king”, you could insert the quotes as follows: “Come, you spirits /That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,/And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full/Of direst cruelty” (I, v), “Come, thick night,/ And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell,/ That my keen knife see not the wound it makes” (I, v).

Your understanding of each of the quotes:

Understanding for Quote(s) 1:

The fact that the character Johan says this to Melody in the film is a clear indication that he is in love with her, but she only responds by looking sad. Her eyes droop down and the make-up even changes color, showing a great level of heartache at the thought that she has lost Johan forever.

Understanding for Quote(s) 2:

The director, Marko Davies, says these words in an interview with Moviemob, and he shows how important green screen is to the making of the film. The green screen gives a flair of something out of this world, and makes all of the backgrounds look animated with watercolor edges. It feels jarring and otherworldly.

Understanding for Quote(s) 3:

The production designer Liev Carmichael explains that the characters were designed in a way to make them seem more interesting and more multidimensional. He did not simply choose to design the characters in a way that was arbitrary, but took great care with each character. This shows in how colorful and strange each character looks.

In these text boxes, put your full understanding of the quotes for each piece of evidence. Try to explain the quote a bit in the way that you understand it. What do the quotes mean to you? How do they support the main point that your essay is trying to make, and how do they help to clarify the evidence that the quote is linked to? Explain each quote in at least two sentences. Use proper punctuation and full sentences.

Those are the 10 questions and the answers we've provided to each of them. If you follow the style that we used here, you will be able to easily generate an essay that reads easily and makes sense.

Once you complete this, you simply need to firstly press CTR+A and then, once the text is selected, press F9 (found on the top of your keyboard), and the essay will be automatically generated on the final pages of the document.

This is what the essay looks like that was generated based on the data we've input above:

 The Visual Splendor of Damien Warnick’s Film The Betrayal 

This essay will look at the  film  entitled  The Betrayal  by  Damien Warnick , which deals with  a heartbreaking tale of making sense of the difficulties of the world and finding one’s own voice . The essay will  argue that   Warnick’s film is masterful at using imagery to convey emotion . In support of this argument, the essay will refer to the textual evidence that  the visual effects in the first act show Melody’s sadness  ,  the use of green screen is not overdone, and adds to the aesthetic of the scenes  and  none of the characters are one-dimensional, and each one has a unique visual style .

The first piece of evidence to support the contention that  Warnick’s film is masterful at using imagery to convey emotion  is the fact that  the visual effects in the first act show Melody’s sadness  . This can be seen in quote(s) from the text, namely:  “You made me wait for you, Melody. It was incredibly difficult” (Warnick, 2014) . The quote(s) support the aforementioned point in the following ways:  The fact that the character Johan says this to Melody in the film is a clear indication that he is in love with her, but she only responds by looking sad. Her eyes droop down and the make-up even changes color, showing a great level of heartache at the thought that she has lost Johan forever. . Ultimately, it is clear that  the visual effects in the first act show Melody’s sadness  , which links to the main contention that  Warnick’s film is masterful at using imagery to convey emotion .

A second element of how  Warnick’s film is masterful at using imagery to convey emotion  is the fact that  the use of green screen is not overdone, and adds to the aesthetic of the scenes . This point is supported in the text as follows:  “There isn’t anything we couldn’t do with practical effects, but the green screen made the film much more fantastic” (Davies, 2015) . To understand the importance of this textual evidence, it is important to note the following:  The director, Marko Davies, says these words in an interview with Moviemob, and he shows how important green screen is to the making of the film. The green screen gives a flair of something out of this world, and makes all of the backgrounds look animated with watercolor edges. It feels jarring and otherworldly. . It becomes clear when analyzing this point that it supports the main contention of this essay, namely that  Warnick’s film is masterful at using imagery to convey emotion .

In addition, the contention that  Warnick’s film is masterful at using imagery to convey emotion  is also supported by the fact that  none of the characters are one-dimensional, and each one has a unique visual style . This third point is evident in the text in the following quote(s):  “Designing these characters was a passion project for me. I wanted to show how many layers they had inside by giving them interesting dimensions on the outside” (Carmichael, 2016) . The significance of this quote should be clearly understood.  The production designer Liev Carmichael explains that the characters were designed in a way to make them seem more interesting and more multidimensional. He did not simply choose to design the characters in a way that was arbitrary, but took great care with each character. This shows in how colorful and strange each character looks. . This point thus further demonstrates that  Warnick’s film is masterful at using imagery to convey emotion . 

In conclusion, the various points explored in this essay all serve to reinforce the main contention of this essay. Through close textual analysis, it is evident that  Warnick’s film is masterful at using imagery to convey emotion .

You'll see that there are some points where you'll need to edit the essay and make sure that everything looks the way it should look before you submit it to be graded. You've done all of the hard work here, and actually come up with an analysis, the support and the explanations, but the generator has just put them in the right order and linked them through proper signposting. Once this essay is edited, it will be a satisfactory undergraduate essay that fulfills all of the requirements.

Try out the generator with your next essay and see if it helps you to structure your ideas properly.