Essay Writing Checklist: What to Include in a College Essay

Download the Checklist in PDF format here.
Read all of the guidelines below. Remember, if you need additional help with any of these components, there are detailed guides on the resources page of the Academic Coaching website.
Read all of the guidelines below. Remember, if you need additional help with any of these components, there are detailed guides on the resources page of the Academic Coaching website.
Check (X)
Give the reader some
basic background information which they can use to understand your
discussion/ argument. This should be one to three sentences. Your context
could include: book’s title, author’s name and plot points (for literature
analysis), introduce important dates, events and people that relate to your
essay, or a discussion of the major themes and concepts in your field that
your essay will touch on. For example, an essay on photosynthesis will have
to explain what it is, basically, in the context section, and then later you
can go into more detail.
Thesis Statement
Your thesis statement is
the main point of your essay, or the main argument you will make. You should
not simply repeat the essay topic or question, but answer it. For example, if your essay topic is to evaluate the
merits of eating eggs for breakfast, your thesis statement needs to say
whether eggs for breakfast would be good or bad according to your research,
not simply say that you will evaluate it later.
Give the main steps that
you will take to support your thesis statement throughout your essay. You
could list the three most important aspects you will look at, or the three or
four main elements that will form topics of your different paragraphs.
Body Paragraphs
Topic Sentence
Your topic sentence is
the first sentence (or two sentences) of every body paragraph that introduces
the main topic that you will discuss in that paragraph. Your topic sentence
needs to be clear and show a direct link to your thesis statement, explaining
how the paragraph will build on your argument or discussion in some way.
Evidence/ Support
The second section of
your paragraphs needs to include evidence or support in the form of
citations, research, data or experiments. Every paragraph which introduces a
new topic should have some support. Each piece of support that you get from
external sources needs to be referenced properly (APA, Harvard, MLA, Chicago
or other referencing style).
You need to spend the
bulk of your paragraph explaining the evidence or support in your own words,
clearly showing how it links to the topic of the paragraph as well as to your
overall thesis statement. You need to analyze, criticize, or explain the
evidence you’ve provided so that any reader in your field could understand
it. Your explanation section is where you use your own critical thinking
skills to demonstrate the significance and veracity of your evidence, and where
you show how the new ideas you’ve introduced take your argument or discussion
Summary of Ideas
Briefly summarize the
main ideas you’ve introduced in the body of your essay.
Show support for thesis Statement
Explain again how the
evidence or support has linked to your thesis statement in one or two
sentences. Reinforce the main idea of your argument.
Logic and Coherence
One Idea per Paragraph
Is there only one main
idea in each paragraph? To test this, try to summarize each paragraph in one
sentence. If you use a conjunction like the word “and” in your summary, you
might have two ideas that require two paragraphs.
Paragraphs build towards conclusion
Do each of your
paragraphs add to your argument? Do they flow from one to the next in a
logical way? This means that each paragraph is placed in a position that
moves from one step to the next, and doesn’t take steps backwards. The
understanding or knowledge from one paragraph should be a building block
towards the ideas you introduce in the next paragraph.
Good use of signposting
Signposting is the use of
words that allow the reader to follow the logical progression of your
argument. If one point leads into the next, you could use a signpost word
like “therefore” or “thus”. If one point contradicts another or shows an
opposing viewpoint, you could use a signpost like “however”. If you are
giving a second point, you could signpost it with “secondly”.
No irrelevant ideas or paragraphs
Are all of the ideas and
paragraphs that you include in your essay necessary to build towards your
conclusion? Are any parts repeated? Are there paragraphs which could be left
out? Are there ideas that don’t help you to build your discussion or
Support for ideas/ contentions/ interpretations/ claims
Every idea or claim which
you introduce needs to be supported by evidence. You shouldn’t use statements
like “As we all know…”. Rather, give a citation or refer to research that
makes the point you are trying to make. It might not be a self-evident fact
like you imagine it is.
Evidence/ Support is Scientific and academic in nature
You should only use
evidence that follows the rigor of science and academic knowledge. Personal
convictions, religious ideals (outside of religious studies essays), or other
forms of support which are not academically peer-reviewed, produced by
experts in the field or empirically tested should not be used in academic
Academic register
You need to write
formally and academically throughout your essay. Your language has to be
professional, like you are writing for a journal, newspaper or to an
important person who deserves great respect. Avoid conversational language or
informal conventions like contractions (“isn’t” in the place of “is not”).
Check your spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Argument/ discussion clarity
Is the “golden thread” of
your argument or discussion clear throughout the essay? This means: is there
a clear and focused main point that all of your other points link to?
Clarity of ideas
Do your ideas all make
sense? Do you overexplain or underexplain some ideas? Will the reader easily
be able to follow what you’re saying and not be confused or lost while
reading your essay?
Academic Conventions
Do you provide a short
(less than 20-word) title that clearly explains your main point and that
would make sense to any reader?
Do you use proper referencing
for each piece of external information that you didn’t come up with on your own?
Do you have a good reference list/ bibliography which follows all of the conventions
of your department/ school?
Do you format your essays
neatly, professionally and legibly? The requirements are usually either 12-point
Times New Roman font with 1.5-line or double line spacing, and 1-inch margins,
so that your professor or tutor will have enough space for comments if applicable.